Conversion Rate Optimization | CRO

In part one of this series, you read about conversion rate optimization (CRO), how to calculate your conversion rate, and we also mentioned a couple of ways to get started with CRO. If you haven’t checked out Part 1, click here before reading Part 2. Since you now have some knowledge about CRO, we will dive deeper into some CRO strategies so you can start turning your traffic into quality leads.

CRO Strategies Are Implemented On Your Website

CRO is all about changing or adding to your website in a way that guides your traffic to the intended destination. In Part 1, we talked about how “The first step in CRO is figuring out what kind of conversions you want to optimize. Then you will want to determine your current conversion rate for that metric.”

Streamline Your Homepage

When potential customers arrive at your site, most are greeted with your homepage. If that first page doesn’t set them on the right path, they are likely to get lost and not take the intended action, whether that be signing up for your newsletter or making a purchase/booking, etc.

Your home page can be improved by ensuring you have or add the following:

  • Links to product information that are easy to find while skimming through the page.
  • Live Chat to provide customers direct access to your business right from your site.
  • Having clear and easy-to-find “calls to action” (CTAs).
Utilize Landing Pages

A landing page is a special page on your site that caters to a specific part of your business or particular customer demographic. For example, let’s say you are in the RV outdoor hospitality business and offer sites for vacationers and long-term guests. You may have a landing page set up so that when people search for “long term RV parks” in your area, instead of the search results showing your main homepage at the top, they get a link to a landing page that highlights only the long-term stay info about your property.

Landing pages with specific demographics in mind allow your customers to bypass all the sidestreets and focus specifically on the aspects of your business that interest them. When you partner with Big Rig to build your website, we can create professional landing pages and put them to work, converting your leads and increasing revenue.

Trick-Out Your Pricing Page

If you ask most customers what they would prefer to pay for your product and service, many would love to pay nothing. While that’s not practical, a well-designed pricing page can be the difference between your website’s visitors seeing a good deal or deciding it’s too much.

  1. Break up your prices if you can. For example, you have seen many services offer a price-per-month VS a price-per-year comparison.
  2. Make sure your pricing page highlights all they are getting. Customers should be reminded of how awesome your product is, how big your sites are, etc.
  3. Make it clear how they can move forward—an excellent CTA with your phone number, booking page, etc.
  4. Using a mailing list popup form can increase signups. Something like, “Sign up for our mailing list for future exclusive deals!”
Blog Smarter Not Harder

Having a blog on your business website may sound silly, but go to major company websites like Verizon and McDonald’s, and you will see a “news” section in the link list located on the bottom of their pages. Why? Because websites that continually have fresh content tend to rank higher in search. A blog can be a great conversion rate optimization tool as well.

Add CTAs Within The Text Of The Blog Posts

People are so used to seeing ad banners while reading news articles and blogs on the internet, they have learned to ignore them subconsciously. That means that the pretty “Get Started” button at the end of your blog post can get overlooked.

By adding CTAs within your blog post’s text, there’s a higher chance your potential customer will take the desired action. Of course, it helps to have a well-written blog post by a professional copywriter weave the words for you.

As it happens, copywriting services and consistent blog posts are just one more marketing solution Big Rig offers its clients. Give Us A Ring to learn more and talk with one of our growth consultants. See what we did there?

Add Shortcuts For Those Who Don’t Need The Whole Journey

If a visitor to your site is already interested in buying what you are selling, there’s no need to waste a lot of their time selling it to them. Shortcuts can be added to all pages on your site, but they allow visitors to go immediately to the buying, booking, or signup process without even having to scroll.

You can see an example of this right on Big Rig’s home page. Right below the header text are two buttons, GET STARTED NOW or SCHEDULE A CALL. Whether the visitor already knows about your product or has visited your site before, it can be annoying to have to scroll through the entire site just to reach the right CTA. So give it to them right away.

Remarketing: Target Visitors After They Leave Your Site

Have you ever visited a product website only to find your Facebook feed crawling with ads for that same product? That’s remarketing, and it happens because the website you visited uses code that logs your IP address and informs Facebook and other sites that you looked at this product.

It may seem a bit much, bombarding visitors with ads after they left your site already, but the facts are that no matter how good your CRO game is, many won’t take the intended action on the first visit to your site. Remarketing messages are 76% more likely to be clicked on and produce results than the initial contact.

Test, Test, And Retest

How do you know if your CRO strategies are working? By testing them, of course. As mentioned in Part 1 of our CRO series, you should calculate your conversion rate before you start conversion rate optimization. Once you have made changes on your site, it’s imperative to track the data again and see if the changes had the effect you are looking for.

Let the Pros Help With Your Conversion Rate Optimization

We understand that not every business owner has the time to sift through every button, word, and layout feature of their site to perform conversion rate optimization. At Big Rig Media, we know how to build high conversion websites, design amazing ads, and even do print media. If you are ready to increase conversions and take your business marketing to the next level, we are the full-service, no B.S. marketing agency for you.

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