Prevent your brand from getting stale by taking a hard look at your internet and print presence.

Prevent your brand from getting stale by taking a hard look at your internet and print presence.

  • Business Cards: Yes, business cards may seem a little low-tech for the times. But do not underestimate their impact and potential to turn contacts into sales. You could be anywhere talking with anyone when you get asked what you do for a living. The power of being able to hand that curious individual a link to your business can be transformational to your enterprise. Make sure your cards look good, align with your online presence and contain all of your contact info in an attractive card.
  • Refresh your Website: Like your business card, your website needs to stay fresh, updated with new offerings and linked to your customer and prospect bases.
      • Do you have new photographs?
      • Has your business been involved with something noteworthy?
      • Have your products/services changed and/or improved?

If the answers to any of these questions is yes, it’s time to refresh your site.

  • Consider Converting your site to WordPress: One of the big advantages of WordPress is that it is easy to change which makes it perfect for your nimble business.
  • Go Mobile: Optimize your site for all devices including smartphones, PCs and tablets. Make sure you can be found anyplace, anytime and on anything.

The Big Rig Media Advantage
One advantage of working with us is that we provide a fully integrated brand presence which includes all print and website collateral. We make sure your brand never strays from its core message, be it offline or on.

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